Heli Kauhanen

Designer Heli Kauhanen's goal is to create jewelry and objects that speaks to people
Jewelry and object designer Heli Kauhanen has worked as a designer, craftsman and teacher.
Kauhanen's goal is to create jewelry and objects that speaks to people. In Kauhanen's opinion, the challenging nature of jewelry design is fascinating, as the design has to take into account many cultural values as well as aspects related to use, materials and scale. "I feel that I have succeeded in my work when the customer feels the piece of jewelry as their own and wears it," says Kauhanen.
In 2017, Heli Kauhanen was appointed for a five-year term as the provincial artist of jewelry art at the Art Promotion Center (Taike). As a provincial artist, she makes visible the importance of jewelry art with her work and supports the regional and international activities of the industry.
"The idea for Kaikuja jewelry was born on a forest trip. I wanted the jewelry to have strength and pretentiousness, as the forest showed itself at that moment."
Kaikuja on yksi rakastetuimmista koruista
Toisiinsa kartiomaiset yhdistyvät hopeaelementit ja niiden mattapintojen himmeä hehku tekevät Kaikuja-kaulakorusta todellisen katseenvangitsijan.
Korun hohtava pinta heijastalee maagisesti valoa kantajansa kasvoille. Kaikuja-kaulakoru on muotoilultaan ajaton ja siinä on omanlaista luonnetta. Se kertoo viestejä menneestä ja kaikuja tulevasta.