Privacy statement

Kalevala's customer register
Kalevala privacy statement
The Kalevala privacy statement regarding Kalevala's customer register is individualized by subject area in the adjacent drop-down menu.
Updated on January 29, 2024
Kalevala Koru Oy (hereinafter "Kalevala")
Social security number: 0109579-3
Hankasuontie 11 A
00390 Helsinki
Persons handling registry matters
Data Protection Officer
Aki Mattila
Information management manager
Phone +358 (0) 207 611 311 (switchboard)
Basis for keeping the register
A person is recorded in the register if he has registered as a frequent customer of Kalevala, or bought products from our website or in our store. In addition, the register contains people who ordered the newsletter from our website.
Purpose of the register
With this data protection statement, we inform our customers about the processing of their personal data. The data collected can be divided into data provided by the user, data based on the use of online services, and data collected with the help of analytics.
We use data:
- To deliver an easy-to-use and secure service
- Good customer experience
for offering - Marketing targeting
for improvement - Customer service and
for website development
Information contained in the register
The register contains the following information:
The person's first and last name
Email address
Postal address
Telephone number
Purchase history, e.g. ordered products and their price information. Delivery information, such as the selected delivery method and delivery address
Information about marketing authorization
Year of birth
Information about jewelry preferences
Wish list products
Product reviews
Product-specific announcements
You can enter another address as the billing address in the last Payment tab of the checkout section.
Data sources of the register
Information provided by the customer himself, orders placed in the online store and purchases in the store. If necessary, name and contact information updates can also be obtained from authorities and companies offering update services.
Personal data is processed within the limits permitted and required by the Personal Data Act.
Disclosure of information
Kalevala uses partners to maintain customer and service relationships. Kalevala can hand over information from the customer register to operators who have entered into a cooperation agreement with Kalevala for the purpose of delivering customer orders or processing customer data. Kalevala's partners do not use the information for other purposes and do not disclose the information to third parties. Kalevala can hand over customer data to the authorities within the limits permitted and required by the applicable legislation. Information is not transferred outside the EU or EEA to companies that do not operate in accordance with the EU data protection regulation.
Registry protection
The customer register is stored electronically. The register is properly protected from outsiders with firewalls and other technical means of protection. The register is not kept as a paper printout.
Only named persons have the right to use and maintain the information in the register. Each user has a personal username and password. Users are bound by a duty of confidentiality.
Use of cookies
Kalevala Koru Oy collects information about the way users move around the site using Google Analytics. Cookies are used on the website. Cookies are data describing the use of the website, which are stored on the user's computer. Cookies are used to develop the site and ensure its smooth use.
With the help of cookies, the site can remember the contents read by the customer and offer additional information related to them. General statistical information is collected from the use for the development and monitoring of the site.
With the help of cookies, the analytics store e.g. the user's IP address, time of visit, pages visited, browser type used, web address from which the user came to the website and the server from which the user came to the website. Cookie information about the visited page may be used to target advertising. With the help of the information, the visitor can see advertisements on advertising websites that are current and important to the visitor. Not all advertisements are based on the use of cookies, but Kalevala Koru Oy's advertisements can be seen online on the websites of commercial operators.
The user has the option to block the use of cookies at any time by changing their browser settings. Most browser programs allow you to disable the cookie function and delete already saved cookies. Blocking the use of cookies may affect the site's functionality.
Right of inspection, correction, deletion and prohibition
Our regular customer has the right to check what information about him is stored in our register. As a regular customer, you can make an inspection request by logging into your own pages at From the tabs there, you can request information stored about yourself or request the deletion of your customer information. If you are not a regular customer, the request can be made once a year, in writing and signed to the address:
Aki Mattila
Kalevala Koru Oy
Hankasuontie 11 A
00390 Helsinki
We respond to data inspection requests in writing, basically to the address indicated in the customer information. If there are contradictions in the address information, we try to verify the identity by other means.
If there are errors in the customer's information, the customer can submit a request to us to correct the error. The customer can also request that their data be deleted to the extent that it does not contain information that is subject to the retention obligation in terms of official supervision, such as accounting and tax information on donations or prizes. The customer has the right to prohibit the use of their data for direct marketing by informing Kalevala's online store customer service, tel. 0207 611 230, by letter to the person in charge of registry affairs, or by e-mail to
Tietojen säilyttäminen
Säilytämme henkilökohtaisia tietojasi vain
tarvittavan ajan, jotta voimme täyttää tässä selosteessa kuvatut
käyttötarkoitukset. Lisäksi joitain tietoja voidaan säilyttää kauemmin niiltä
osin kuin se on tarpeen laissa asetettujen velvollisuuksien, kuten kirjanpitoa
ja kuluttajakauppaa koskevien vastuiden, toteuttamiseksi ja niiden
asianmukaisen toteuttamisen osoittamiseksi.
Kun teet tilauksen noutopisteeseen
myymälässä ilman asiakastiliä, tallennetaan antamasi tiedot Kalevala
Korun järjestelmään, jotta voimme pitää sinut ajan
tasalla tilauksestasi. Yhteystietosi poistetaan 6kk sisällä siitä, kun tilaus
on käsitelty.
Asiakkaan pyynnöstä häntä koskeva
henkilötieto voidaan poistaa Kalevala
Korun järjestelmistä. Poistotoimenpide on peruuttamaton,
emmekä voi palauttaa poistettuja asiakastilejä.
Osalle tietoa lainsäädäntö asettaa
velvoitteita tiedon pidempiaikaiselle tallentamiselle, mm. seuraaviin
- Kirjanpitolaki
määrittelee tiedolle pidempiä säilytysaikoja riippumatta siitä sisältääkö
aineisto henkilötietoja tai ei - Järjestelmien
lokitietoa kerätään ja säilytetään lain edellyttämällä tavalla, jotta voimme
tarjota lainmukaisen ja turvallisen verkkokaupan asiakkaillemme - Riittävien
varmuuskopioiden ottaminen kaupan tietokannoista ja järjestelmistä tietojen
turvaamiseksi, virhetilanteiden korjaamiseksi ja tietoturvan sekä jatkuvuuden